
Video Of Linton School


With the grateful help of some very good pals of mine I have produced a 60 minute film of Linton School.
This program features some cine footage kindly donated by the son of the last headmaster, some video shot soon after the school closed in the 1980's, and some up to date shot during 2010. It also has some photographs from my own collection from the early 1960's. In November, 2010, a school reunion took place on the site, allowing visitors to wander round the school with full permission of the current owner. It was a bitterly cold day, fortunately we were able to offer hot drinks in the old headmasters bungalow.
Interesting interviews were filmed of many of the attendees on this day, including a couple of ex members of staff. One ex pupil who features in this film was first at Linton School in 1949! There are some very good memories of days at Linton right up to the sad closure in 1986.
Because some of the footage is dated, and some was shot on low resolution tape, and by a very inexperienced cameraman, the quality of this material is not the best. But as there is very little film of the school available, and because of the historical importance, we have reproduced it in this documentary.

The full film may now be seen on Youtube by clicking this

Link to You Tube

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In 2016 another successful reunion was held on the school site.

on this occasion the weather was kind to visitors!

I was unable to shoot a film of this days activities, but I did capture half a minutes footage on my phone. Not long I know, but it shows people and children, playing about on the playing field. On this day not one person was considered to be "Out of bounds"!

Click this link to watch the clip!



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